configure elrp-client dynamic-vlans client/uplink ports/remote-endpoints vxlan

configure elrp-client dynamic-vlans [netlogin | vm-tracking] [client-ports | uplink-ports | remote-endpoints vxlan] [on | off]


This command turns Extreme Loop Recognition Protocol (ELRP) on/off for client ports or uplink ports for dynamic VLANs.

Syntax Description

netlogin Specifies that the command applies to dynamic VLANs created by Network Login only.
vm-tracking Specifies that the command applies to dynamic VLANs created by virtual machine MAC tracking only.
client-ports Specifies client ports only.
uplink-ports Specifies uplink ports only.
remote-endpoints Specifies remote endpoints that are part of this VLAN.
vxlan Specifies VXLAN remote endpoints that are part of this VLAN.
on Enable ELRP for dynamic VLANs.
off Disables ELRP for dynamic VLANs.


ELRP for dynamic VLANs is "off" by default.


The following example enables ELRP for Netlogin dynamic VLANs on uplink ports only:

configure elrp-client dynamic-vlans netlogin uplink-ports on
The following example enables ELRP for XNV dynamic VLANs on VXLAN remote endpoints that belong to the VLAN:
configure elrp-client dynamic-vlans vm-tracking remote-endpoints vxlan on


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 22.2.

Remote endpoint capability was added in ExtremeXOS 22.4.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, and X695 series switches.